“Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” (James 1:13-14)
Ouch! This is hard to comprehend and even harder to practice. I cannot “pass the buck” when it comes to my sin because God by nature is holy and there is nothing in His holiness that would cause Him to find sin appealing. God, as a holy and loving Father, does not use evil to try and trip me up even though He allows trials to be a part of my life.
God is not the promoter of that which is repugnant to His very nature. The original source of evil and temptation is our very heart. The combustible matter is within us, though the flame may be blown up by some outward causes (Matthew Henry).
As a believer in Christ, I must not allow myself to be lured away from the things of God by that which is evil, sensual, or worldly. If I am to persist and remain long-term in the path which God has for me, I must keep myself from being beguiled by the things of this world which prove deceptive and seek to entrap.
I cannot overcome temptation on my own; I have a nature within me passed down from my first parents which entices me and causes me to covet things that will lead to my sin and ultimate disgrace.
Thankfully, I have a Savior who is able to take away my disgrace through His saving grace. It is this Savior who reminds me to be dependent upon the Father in all things. He reminds me to seek after the Father’s will and the Father’s kingdom. He intends for me to call upon the One who can keep me seeking Him rather than seeking sin. My Savior knows that I am weak and that my temptations must be prayed against. My Savior knows that I must be kept from circumstances that cause me to fall rather than stand, and walk, and run…triumphantly, victoriously, free from entanglement, and not overly weighed down.
May I lean on and toward and with Him as He leads me and guides me all along the way…