Yesterday, after an absence of several weeks, I went to see my friend Paul at David’s House. While I was visiting him, Paul and I spent several minutes looking at his picture wall together. Paul pointed out a new picture which had recently been added to the wall for him. He said in a sincere voice, “I just love looking at these pictures because they remind me of all the people who love me.” In that moment, I found myself wishing I could give a picture wall, like Paul’s, to everyone I knew. Paul’s picture wall is” pretty darn awesome” because it reminds him of the community he has around him even on the days when he cannot get out to experience and interact much with his community.
Seeing Paul’s picture wall is a good reminder of both the community we have and the community we should be to each other.
Those of us who are able to be out and around the community nearly every day, should practice extending a sense of community by being the tangible hands, feet, voices, and servants of Jesus.
Those of us who are unable to be out and around the community nearly every day, can still experience the warmth, love, and encouragement of community by way of card, visit, phone call, and picture.
True relationship both comes from and happens in community.
It is important for us to know and think about the ones we love and appreciate.
On days when we feel sad, lonely, depressed, or out of sorts, it is important for us to think on those who love and appreciate us.
Not all may have a picture wall, but almost all are needy of encouragement in some way, shape, or form.
If you have the encouragement and love Christ gives, practice community and don’t keep His love and encouragement to yourself.
If He has shared with you His call to be His hands, feet, and voice, don’t wait to open yourself up
to Him, His will, His life, and His service.
We are designed to bless and be blessed…together in community…together in the bond He so graciously provides…