I praise You today for being my
Shepherd! I thank You that in You, I lack no good thing!
I belong to You and serve as an
object of Your everlasting affection and delight. You are my Leader and
Director; You are my Protector and Defense.
In coming before You as my Maker,
may I offer You reverent, acceptable, joyful praise.
Might I not take honor and glory for
myself when they truly belong to You.
I praise You because I am guided
by Your wisdom, tended by Your care, and fed by Your bounty (Spurgeon).
Thank You, Lord, for restoring my
Thank You, Lord, for giving me the
power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for revealing Your grace and
patience to me in so many ways for my physical and spiritual growth.
Thank You, Lord, for instructing me
in holiness and obedience. In caring love, You cause to happen the salvation
and saint-life I could never hope to procure or gain on my own merit.
Your goodness supplies my needs
and Your mercy blots out my sins. What more have I need of than You can
provide? (Spurgeon)