Saturday, November 23, 2013

To do lists and to don't lists?

From Amie's Desk...

At one point during this week of my personal quitting season, I was standing in the hallway chatting with a co-worker friend. Our conversation lasted all of five minutes as we expressed our thoughts and then went our separate directions. I am grateful for this momentary pause on an ordinary day because it reminded me to consider what truly matters. 

What truly matters is not having all the details down-pat..
What truly matters is not the paperwork I fill out in an attempt to secure A, B, C deal
What truly matters is not what specific day I complete X, Y, Z project

I don't remember anything about high-school geometry
I don't remember many of the grades I earned in my seminary courses
I don't know or care how many people logged on to Facebook this past Tuesday.

I suppose projects and assignments are a part of doing God's will...but people are a much more important part.

Relationships matter.
My relationship with God matters.
My relationship with others matters.
My family matters. 
My friends matter.
People who may pass through  this life without knowing the hope which only Jesus gives matter
People who may never know the joy and freedom of salvation unless we tell them matter.

Who I spend my time with and what I choose to share with them matters..

Do the people within my sphere of influence know how much they matter to me? How can they tell?
Do the people within my sphere of influence know how much they matter to Jesus? How can they tell?

"Come nowyou who say“Today or tomorrow we will go into this or that town and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.”  You do not know about tomorrowWhat is your life like? " 

Within the entire scheme of earthly life and eternity...we need to have chats with co-worker friends. We need to spur each other on toward love and good deeds...we need to consider what truly matters, what does not, and align our God-given priorities accordingly as we make out our agendas and to-do lists...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Praise and Rescue...

From Amie's Desk...

Lord, would You help me to focus on You as I attempt to go about Your business again this week?
I truly desire to serve You with gladness and remember that You are God of all. I want to worship You with a joyful spirit and praise You for all that You are and have been.

Thank You Lord, for Your continued presence in my life.
Thank You, for all the seasons You have seen me through...seasons of doubt, pain, and sorrow, seasons of fear, desire, and fretting, seasons of health, joy, and happiness...seasons of growth and seasons of silence.

Thank You for never leaving me alone.

So Noah, his wife, and his sons and their wives left the boat.  And all of the large and small animals and birds came out of the boat, pair by pair.

 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and there he sacrificed as burnt offerings the animals and birds that had been approved for that purpose. And the Lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice and said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things.  As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”

You are a God who watches over Your people.
When You bring people in, You will also bring them out.
You are God, the Deliverer...the One who Rescues and Saves.

Thank You for salvation.
Great is Your Faithfulness.
I praise You, Mighty Promise-Keeping God and ask for Your guidance the whole week through...
So may it be...

Friday, November 15, 2013

I need help...

From Amie's Desk...

In this, the dawn of  my quitting season, I have come to realize what a worrywart I  really am. It's past time to quit all the worry and just breathe some more. I've got to give up the notion that life is somehow passing me by if I am not engaged in every single moment. Staying engaged (consciously or unconsciously) without hitting the pause button is exhausting. I hate having my mind whirl about at a hundred miles an hour while my body is trying to relax and get calm. Sleepless nights and agitated days...I so want to kiss you goodbye...goodbye...goodbye...

I am weary of trying to keep up with the crowd...even when I can't pinpoint exactly who the crowd is....I want fit in well enough to not stand out or I want to be willing to stand out even though I don't fit in... As I write this, I wonder what is so wrong with not fitting in? What is so wrong with just being who I am?

Jesus was not always warmly accepted by those He came to save. Far from it.
Jesus was not always well-understood by those He tried to minister among.. Far from it.
He once asked a disciple how a person could be with Him for so long and still not know who He was. Could it be that often we miss important traits and things about people because we are looking for them to be something different than who or what they are? In our ignorance, we are sometimes guided by assumptions. and perceptions which miss the mark completely. 

Lord, in this season of my life, I want to know You more. Help me to truly turn my eyes upon You.

Help my relationships with others to be guided and informed by the relationship I have with You.

Help me not to miss what is important because I get bogged down by details which are not. 

Help me to get past my own assumptions and perceptions so that I may truly see people and circumstances the way that You see them.

Help me to get priorities straight so that I can engage when I need to and let go when things will have no significance to my life in You.

I need a lot of help.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Just Quit the Focus on Yourself

From Amie's Desk

In this, the dawn of my quitting season, I feel led of the Lord to reflect upon one of the earliest texts of my childhood: Psalm 100. Psalm 100 is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving; it's not a psalm of stress, distress, and weightiness. Scholars refer to it as Jubilate because it calls God's people to be joyful. I first learned it under the direction of my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Bloem, thirty-something years ago; I delight to hear it now on the lips of toddlers and young children I have opportunity to be in contact with.

I note that the psalm does not call us as believers to a perfect noise; it calls us to a joyful noise which arises from a cheerful spirit. The psalm calls us to a spirit of gratefulness as we come together from all different experiences and walks of life. We are to come with gratitude before God who is both our Creator and our King.

Starting from an attitude of gratitude shifts the focus from myself as the worshiper toward the One who is being worshiped.

He wants us to worship Him
He wants you to worship Him
He wants me to worship Him.

We are to declare His praise not because He needs us to, but because of who He is.

He doesn't need us.
He doesn't need you.
He doesn't need me.

He chooses to use us...

in order that we may recognize Him for who He is.
in order that we may witness for Him to those around us.
in order that we may declare Him worthy and glorious... even on days when we don't feel worthy or glorious ourselves.

Just quit the focus on yourself and turn your focus toward Me instead: I'm worthy of all your joy; I'm worthy of all you have.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Just Quit...

From Amie's Desk...

It's 4:00 am and I turn my head on the pillow. One hand reaches up to knead the cramped muscles in the back of my neck. So tight. I'm carrying around my tension in the hours before dawn while I should be yet asleep. I've got no words. I don't know if I am empty or too full so I lie still and breathe in the dark. One breath...a second...a third...more...

Just breathing and silent...kneading and needy.

Two words come into my mind or are spoken to my soul; in the dark, by myself, a message so clear:

Just Quit.
Just Quit.

Quit trying so hard. 
Quit trying to measure up.
Quit worrying so much about others....what they think and what they do.
Quit trying to earn approval.
Quit trying to iron out ability and disability

The dailies have wrinkles.
What you think matters, might not matter very much.

There is more to life than achievements...There is more than accolades...There is more than human acceptance, loyalty, and pats on the back...

It's time. 
Be done
Let go.

You're almost forty years old. You've tried and you're tired.

Live free! 
It is for freedom that you've been set free...

Right now...
Step away...from thoughts and feelings and perceptions which imprison

Take care not to care so much...

Just Quit.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Waiting on You...

From Amie's Desk

Father God, 

Today I am wrestling with Your allowance of things which don't make sense. I have friends who are mourning and facing situations they can't begin to understand on  their own. They want to believe You know best, but the reality they encounter is beyond difficult for them. It would be hypocritical and fake to pretend they don't find themselves weary and at their wits' end. One lady last week told me she hasn't had a real friend in over five years; she's setting out soon on a new adventure in the hope she can forget all about this gray season she has been surrounded by. There's a lot of achy hearts.

Lord, provide for us what we cannot provide on our own. Be a refuge even while we may not comprehend how badly we need one.

Help us.
Sustain us.
Guide us.
Remind us You are the friend of sinners and healer of the broken.

Give faith where faith is dim and dying.
Plant seeds of hope where seeds of hope have never been planted before. 
Show Yourself strong in the midst of weakness.
Help believing people to pray on behalf of others who don't know what to pray for themselves.
Meet the desperate in the middle of their desperation.
Work out supernaturally that which we cannot make heads or tails of naturally. 

Enable us to be strong in our witness knowing there is so much more to life than what can begin to unwrap or unfold. 

Thank You for love which surpasses knowledge. 
Thank You for grace which does not leave us to our own devices.

I go walking in my sleep...

From Amie's Desk

It's 2:42 a.m. and I'm wide awake enough to get up and dance...or make myself a sandwich....or something. Thoughts are running through my mind at a hundred miles an hour and they don't settle on any one direction.  Suddenly in the middle of the maelstrom, I find myself singing several verses of O God, Our Help in Ages Past. I'm glad to have a shelter and refuge in the midst of the stormy blast, but what really touches me are the words of verse 3:

Before the hills in order stood, 
or earth received her frame, 
from everlasting, thou art God, 
to endless years the same.
It is sobering to think upon the eternal nature of God and consider more of who He is. Human beings cannot really begin to grasp His infinite greatness or otherness. He is apart, but He brings all things together in accordding to His will. He was when there was not, and He will still be when there is not. Whoa. No mountains, no hills, no valleys, no earth nor frame. Wow. A few moments pondering the immensity and eternality of God, can bring about a slight shift of mind. 
God, You know.
You know.
You have always known.
You have always been.
Whatever I am thinking about or trying to resolve pales in comparison to who You are. I can't fathom Your changelessness. Thank You for being here with me, regardless of how I feel or what I experience. You are awe-inspiring even as I am here alone, bewildered, and in the shadows. I praise You for your sameness, and I thank You for Your continual presence.
I don't need to be up and moving yet for another 3.5 hours.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


From Amie's Desk

Right now, I have a good friend who is enduring a season of trial within her life and marriage. I'm doing my best to be there for her whenever and however I can. I surely don't have a lot of answers, but I do offer a lot of prayers. I sigh a lot! 

I am sad for my friend and the struggles she encounters, but I am happy for the opportunity I have to present Christ in bits and pieces. I listen, grieve, ponder, wonder. I stop short of wise words and acting like I know when the best I can offer is: "I can only imagine...."

I am sad for my friend and the struggles she encounters, but I am happy for the opportunity I have to present hope in bits and pieces. I have never lived her story nor walked in her shoes. I applaud her courage for seeking some semblance of normal life while her circumstances suck; she doesn't see an easy out to any of her current daily difficulties. Together, we are learning about beauty and brokenness...we are broken people living in a broken world and we are attempting to press on in a strength which can only be found in God Himself. 

My friend doesn't know Jesus the way I know Jesus...yet.

She is open to hearing from me and I am being honest with her. I don't understand. 

A telephone call
A short visit
A quick hug
A warm smile
A cold Sprite
A little burst of laughter when our thoughts connect or collide.

It's all bits and pieces of hope...of peace...of the middle of sorrow, loneliness, and uncertainty. 

I trust in the sharing...the bits and pieces...she's seeing glimpses of the One who is the Answer when all human answers fall short of sufficiently satisfying our questions.

It's funny how things can be so neat or special while all the while being so untidy.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

From Amie's Desk

Some time ago, I wrote about young Sadie Mae. I think it's time I blog about her again She needs our prayers. She is a warrior princess, but she's also a reminder that none of us can survive without the hand of God to sustain our lives.

Did you get that?
None of us can survive without the hand of God to sustain our lives.

Don't rush this. Pause and think. Let this sink in. Let it touch us way down deep.

None of us can survive without the hand of God to sustain our lives.

We may think ourselves strong....
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we are nothing
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we manifest weakness if we manifest anything at all. 

We may think ourselves able...
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we are nothing
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we manifest disability if we manifest anything at all. 

We may think ourselves independent...
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we are nothing
Apart from God at work in our lives and spirits, we manifest dependence if we manifest anything at all. 

Sadie needs God every day, but so do we.

We need to pause...and think...and pray...and thank...

Herein is the beginning and the end:
"Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person."

He formed us...
He breathed into us...
He sustains us...
We are His.

We have no life without while we have life....
We Praise Him for and with all He gives...

Friday, June 14, 2013


From Amie's Desk 


I praise You today as the God who always knows what He is doing. You are our very present help in times of trouble. Thank You for making a way in the desert, Lord. Thank You for providing streams in the wasteland. You provide drink and refreshment for Your people, the people You have chosen. You have formed a people for Yourself. 

Thank You for the people You are yet in the process of forming. As you form us, mold us, shape us, and move us along, we are and will be the people who are quickened to declare Your praise. Life to the glory of Your name is our song as we come before You in joyful hope. Thank You for sustaining grace.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

His Plan, Not Ours

From Amie's Desk


I praise You now as the God who strengthens us, helps us and upholds us (Isaiah 41:10). You are the God who sees our fears and our dismay. Often, we do not understand why things happen in our world the way they do. We don't like to witness families being torn apart by problems which have no apparent solutions. Our hearts ache with the brokenness we feel and yet You call us to trust in You as the Healer. Thank You for being the One who redeems us, Lord Jesus.

Help us to notice glimpses of redemption at work in our lives today. Where possible, use us as Your agents to carry out Your will and plan. Although there are many things we cannot wrap our minds around as we walk the way with You, we desire to share in wonders as well as in woes.

May we worship You because of who You are.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


From Amie's Desk


I praise You today for being God everlasting. I thank You because Your love for me surpasses even the love I receive from my earthly parents. I do pray You would make my Mom and Dad people of increasing faith and righteousness. I pray You would help them to pursue lives of godliness, steadfastness, and gentleness. 

Lord, it's not enough for us to tell You we love You. We have to live out our confession of love for You toward others. You have called us by Your name and have commanded us to do as You would do. We all struggle in many ways Lord, but You, our God, have been faithful to us.

Thank You for Your deep and abiding love towards us which helps turn wretches into treasures. We are who we are because of Your compassionate grace. Thank You  for helping us hold on...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

In Process...

From Amie's Desk

It's shortly after 5:00 in the morning and my mind is mostly awake in spite of the early hour. Bible study ended yesterday for the regular season and I'm not quite sure what today will bring. Questions spin in my thoughts: What new?, what now?, what next?. I know the Lord has answers and I want to know them too.

"I am preparing you to be My sanctuary."

"I know Lord, You've been working on that with me a very long time. I remember singing the praise chorus with my friends when I was Bible college: 

"Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true 
and with thanksgiving, I'll be a living, sanctuary, for You.".

"I'm still working, Amie. These things take time. Conforming you to the image or likeness of My Son takes time.It's not any easy or instant process."

"But Lord, I..."

"Becoming holy is not like changing your hairstyle. It doesn't happen from night to morning in most cases. You aren't suddenly going to wake up one day more holy and Christ-like than the day before. It's a process. Let me work."

It's a process...He's at work....this is what I know for now....may He be praised.

It doesn't seem like a lot...but He isn't unaware...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Gift of Balance

From Amie's Desk

This past week, I went to Bible Study with the older women again; they are such treasures to me! One dear lady came up to me after the lesson to tell me she was praying for me. 

She said:  "My balance isn't good. I've been having difficulties with my legs again. This makes me think of you. When I think of you, I'm reminded to pray."

It's not necessarily what I would choose friends, but it's what God uses. When we begin to struggle ourselves, we become more aware of others who may be struggling around us. 

If a person's struggles with balance cause her to think of me, praise God! I need all the prayer I can get!

If my faithfully showing up at Bible study causes one person to gaze more deeply upon the One who faithfully walks with me, praise His name!

He is exalted when we remember Him...

He is exalted when we remember each other...

Problems with physical balance aside, we all need Him every single day... whether we admit it or not. We are weak, but He is strong. 

May the Lord be exalted in my life, whatever it takes.

May the Lord be exalted in  the lives of the women I reach out to, whatever it takes...

May we continue to bless each other and speak encouragement into each others lives, whatever it takes...

He is faithful and He can use us for His purposes to be His instruments...whether we have good balance or not...

May He get glory and may others see Him while they are keeping company with us...

This is my hope and prayer.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pacing and Striving

From Amie's Desk

I have decided again today: I want to live in a season of bold answers. The kind of answers found within the hymn Christian, Do You Struggle? The last stanza of the hymn, inspired by Andrew of Crete, says:

Christian, do you wrestle those who taunt and claim, 
"Why keep fast and vigil? Prayer is said in vain." 
Christian, answer boldly: "While I breathe I pray!"
Peace shall follow battle, night shall end in day.

I want to live my life in such a way that prayer is as natural as breathing  I want to rely on the boldness of the Holy Spirit when I don't have a boldness of my own. I want to keep close watch and vigil on my everyday life so that I don't miss opportunities to watch God at work. I want the discipline of prayer as way of life even if my way of life is not so popular, practical, or realistic to others. I can't help but think my life would be different and uncharted if my eyes were even more focused upon the King and His will. 

I do need to live with the confidence that peace shall follow battle and I need to keep my armor on. I need to to don the shield of faith every day and have my sword always ready and steady. I need to know and be reminded that the night of this life will not last; I need to keep pressing on in the firm hope that dawn is even now on the horizon. My natural walk may be a shuffle and a step-drag, step-drag, but my spiritual walk can be as competent as a runner who has found her stride. My pace need not waver as the finish line draws closer because my source of competence is not myself; it is supernatural. The God who knows me is the same One who enables me and He is able to do more than just keep me slogging along. He can cause me to sing and sing boldly. He gives me life and He calls me to live it boldly: sharp and strong, wise and humble, advancing feet yet worn-out knees.

Inhale and exhale, in and out, contract and expand, thoughts, prayers, and breaths all coming together in opposition to anyone who might stand against. 

Fearless and beautiful in the middle of a weekday afternoon... 

Friday, March 8, 2013

We have it.

From Amie's Desk

I was lying in bed very early this morning when a verse came into my head I've never really considered before. 

I looked up the verse reference on my computer several hours later and sat back in my chair, mystified: 

"With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall." (Psalm 18:29)

Weirdest verse reference from out of nowhere I've ever received in my life. I guess I will really have to trust God on this one because He knows I cannot even climb a flight of stairs without assistance. I have zero military intelligence and no tactical finesse. My sense of direction is just awful, and I don't consider myself skilled at overcoming physical barriers. I have needed help all my life and perhaps this verse is one of many ways God is reminding me I  already have it. He has it. Together, we have it. 

When I go forward in His strength, I won't somehow be duped. I won't be disappointed. He will not let me down even if others take up against me. He will make a way for me to do all the things He calls me to. He will give me provision, guidance, peace, and sustaining grace. He is not a God who delights in creating obstacles and barriers; He is a God who delights in removing them.

By His grace, He will keep providing friends to help me in my journey.
By His grace, He will keep me from feeling alone even when I am.
By His grace, He will hold me when I am weary.
By His grace, He will give me whatever I need whenever the enemy draws close with his taunts, claims, and lies.

The God who has kept me on crutches, moving forward, all these years is able to help me handle whatever comes my way in days ahead. He possesses knowledge, strength, and ability I do not.

He can help me advance against troops and leap over walls (like the psalmist) if He has to...By His grace, I hope He never does...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Learning Together

From Amie's Desk

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

Today I am writing in support of the miraculous power of prayer. Today I am writing in support of precious Sadie Mae and those who love her. They are ordinary people called to an extraordinary task and so far, by the grace of God, they are doing fantastic work. In this past year, my family and I have added another branch to Sadie's prayer tree by committing to pray for her and her family on a regular basis. I can pray for Sadie on a regular basis because so many people have prayed for me on a regular basis. On our own, we fall short and even fall flat, but with God's help and by His providence, together we can accomplish great things! We give Sadie (and her siblings) a place to grow, serve, and belong; in turn, Sadie and her siblings continue to teach us what it looks like to grow, serve, and belong. 

The path of blessing is a two-way street and sometimes it takes a long while to get things figured out. We never really get things squared away because human life is a dynamic process where the variables are always changing and being modified. The process of change commits us to being life-long learners and disciples, but that is a good thing. As we learn and grow, mature and change, we hopefully recognize more and more our tremendous need for Christ and His grace. He is the vine and we are His branches. As we abide in Him, the harvest will come and we will bear much fruit.

I write today in the confident hope the best is yet ahead for Sadie and her family. God has gifts for them and for each of us that will be unwrapped as we loyally wait upon Him. Sadie is a gift and I can't wait to see the gifts that God will choose to unwrap through her and in her as her story and journey unfolds. She is a marvel and masterpiece and He has plans for her which are yet to be unveiled.

As I think about Sadie and other people with disabilities I know, I am encouraged to forgo shortsightedness. God has plans for people that go far beyond what we can see or imagine in any given moment and He beckons us to keep believing in spite of potholes and pressures, tensions and tiredness. He is faithful beyond everyday stresses though sometimes we have difficulty distinguishing light amid fog.

I believe prayers prayed for me long ago are yet being answered in my life right now. He is using me as His humble work of art! I pray believing for Sadie as God paints into her life, and I invite you to join me.

We've come this far by faith...yet we've only just begun...
Pass it on...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


From Amie's Desk

"Lord Jehovah is compassionate and cherishing; He is patient and His grace is abundant.(Psalm 103:8)

I praise You now for Your compassionate grace. I thank You for Your patience with us while we find it hard to be patient with ourselves. It is a lengthy,winding, path we travel and often the road between where we are and where we would like to be does seem to be forever long.

It takes patience to heal. 
It takes patience to grieve.
It takes patience to plan
It takes patience to wait.

Lord, guard us from impatience as we turn our hearts and eyes upon You: again, again, again, again; 
As the child who stumbles frequently in learning to walk, so we are with You. We need much love and long-suffering as we journey in places known and unknown. Every day brings with it a measure of uncertainty; thank You for being a secure place and refuge. I praise You because we don't have to be embarrassed before You. You are with us in our peace and with us in our preoccupation, We don't need to hide from the One who is our hiding place, 

You grant us the freedom to be who we are where we are and the overwhelming ability to encounter obstacles as the necessity arises. Help us, dear Jesus, to remember that even tall mountains only need to be scaled one grace-filled moment at a time. Give us wisdom to know if a hug is needed when words will not suffice.

May we love You and serve You in all that we do. May our every breath, thought, word, and deed bring You glory. 

We worship You again today because of who You are. 

Friday, February 8, 2013


From Amie's Desk

"You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head."


I praise You today for crutches and wheelchairs, beds and buses. I am grateful You never lose track of where we are and what we need.  You know when we can rise to praise You and when we need to rest. Things which sometimes catch us by surprise are not surprises to You. You watch over us so well; You restore our strength from day to day and  guide us along right paths for the honor of Your name. May You get the glory for all You do and allow. Thank You for establishing a history of faithfulness with each one of us. Thank You, Lord, for markers all along our path and memories of Your abiding to sustain us when we are scared and fretful, wondering and waiting.

Thank You, Lord for the gift of Your peace which passes all understanding. Thank You, Lord, for the gift of breath, and smiles, and laughs, and hearts that feel, share, connect. Thank You Lord for the absence of awkwardness when Your reassuring Presence is made known. There is incomparable quality to friendships where You are Center and King.

Thank You Lord for all the times You've carried us and helped us along when we have needed tangible strength or solid evidence of Your watch-care. Your providence in each of our lives is beyond measure .

Forgive us when we fail to recognize You for who You are.

Thank You for the blessings You crown us with and for Your Spirit who surrounds us. Thank you for answered prayers, whispered prayers, and  intimate conversations with You alone as a specific and unique audience. 

Thank You for hearing our hearts and numbering our heartbeats.

Because of You, all will be well.
Because we know You, it already is.

You make it well with our souls.

You give the resources and to You belongs the final word.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013


From Amie's Desk

Lord, right now I want to thank You for the song, How Great Thou Art. You have used it to minister to me in the past; today, you used it to minister to me again. Thank You, Lord, for always calling the focus back to You. Thank You, Lord, for not leaving us alone. Lord, our service to You here on earth is just a foretaste of all that is coming ahead. Strengthen our hearts; prepare us to meet you, whenever our turn arises. Help us to remember You are coming soon and this life is about a lot more than just accumulation of stuff...stuff and nonsense.

I want to celebrate Your coming even now; Maranatha...our Lord is coming.  Help me to look forward to seeing You and sharing in Your forever presence. Help me to remember that when I die to this world, I will have only begun to really live. 

The third verse of How Great Thou Art  is wonderful because it mentions all that God does for us through giving us salvation in Christ. God did not spare His own Son, but He willingly gave Him up for us all. Christ has been our burden-bearer so that we can experience love relationship again with the Father. We no longer struggle against the penalty of death because we know the Gracious Lord of Life.

The final verse of How Great Thou Art is wonderful because it mentions the joy and freedom of completed worship. I fumble a lot in worship here, but I'm not gonna fumble once I'm there:

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!

I'm gonna bow...

I'm gonna bow...perhaps on my hands and knees....perhaps with my face to the floor...I could cry just thinking about it...

Humble adoration
How great it will be...
How gracious and majestic and great Thou art...
