Monday, February 20, 2012


 Lord God,

I’m thankful today for the reminder that my feelings do not determine my future. Above all else, my future is secure in You. Thank You for the security a relationship with You provides. I pray today for insecure people living amidst insecure circumstances. I pray You would touch them through Your Holy Spirit and guide them on the path of knowing You.

Enable them to know You through the witness of Your creation. May they look around them and see Your beauty in the things You have made. May they be reminded of Someone bigger, greater, grander, than themselves. You are the God who transcends and goes beyond to reach Your people and repair their broken lives.

Enable them to know You through the witness of Your Word. Thank You for Your Word passed down through the ages so that people may come to know it, trust it, believe it, and apply it to their lives. Thank You for being the Promise-Keeper. Keep believers faithful to You and Your promises as we see them unfolding with the passage of time. Help us to not be afraid, but to turn to You for help.

Enable them to know to You through the witness of Your servants. Speak to us that we may speak in living echoes of Thy tone. Make my life a testimony to Your continued grace and favor so that others may look at me and find You present there.

Enable them to know You through the witness of Yourself. Cause people to hear Your voice and follow You whatever it takes. Your ways are not our ways, neither are Your thoughts our thoughts. God beyond limits, Your servants praise Your name and are confident that Your will shall be completed for Your  highest honor and highest glory.

Thank You, Lord!

It all belongs to You!

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