Tuesday, September 4, 2012

His Holiness, My Imperfection

Father God, I want to worship You as a God who is distinct, set apart, and unique …

Forgive me, for those times when I fail to honor You with the awe, reverence, and humility You seek from me. Help me understand more of what it means come before You and respect You for who You are. You are still sovereign and in control of life’s events Help me to know who I am in comparison to who You are so that together we can experience the interplay which exists between the personal and the majestic.

You are worthy, O Lord God, the God of generations past and present! May I not bring offense to Your kingship through casualness of mind or indifference of heart. May I not belittle Your purity and righteousness by approaching You with my worldly concerns in my dusty shoes. Remove clutter from my life, intentions, and thoughts so that I can provide an affirmative answer when I hear You call my name.

Let me not so familiar with You that I become insincere in my adoration of You. Forgive me when I turn to assumption and presumption in our relationship rather than relying on pause, investigation, and submission.

You are a promise-keeping God who is without equal in regard to Your seeing, hearing, and knowing; You are also a God who ever communes with men and women choosing to use them as mediators of Your presence, hope, and deliverance. You call people to stand before You, to know Your thoughts, and to mirror aspects of Your divine character (www.bible.org).

Like Moses, and your servants of old, I desire to be used of You despite my imperfections and past failures. I may not glimpse You face-to-face until I reach eternity with You, but I long for You to reveal Yourself to me so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, I might help set people free from shame, bondage, and oppression in the name of Jesus.

You are aware of grieving people who cry out to be rescued from long-tern misery and distress. In compassionate mercy, provide means of intervention and reconciliation on their behalf for Your glory and the sake of Your name.

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