Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Promise for My Heart...
"The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.Those who are planted in the house of the LORD Shall flourish in the courts of our God." (Psalm 92:12-13)
How blessed I am to know God can bring verses to my mind which comfort my heart at any hour of the day! He is not limited in His resources and He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. To exercise faith and trust in God is to believe He is sovereign no matter what happens next!
God gave me this verse when I was Peru twelve years ago, but He knows it is appropriate for today too. My blessing is found in knowing Him; as I grow in relationship with Him, He causes my life to remain healthy and fruitful. He is the solid foundation upon which my life can be rooted and built up. By His grace and favor, He may yet cause me to flourish while those around me are defeated and face decay.
As I stay to near to Him, He is able to make my life and testimony strong, prosperous, and verdant despite the adversities which may arise against me in body and soul. The person who is found to be faithfully abiding in Christ bears much fruit. Faithful, habitual, fellowship with the vine provides for vigorous fertility within the branches.What a comfort to know that when I am planted in Christ, I can never be uprooted. My roots will grow down deep as I derive what need from Him and His perfect strength. He will cause my limbs to bear fruit which will grow upward for His eternal glory (adapted from Charles Spurgeon).
I am weak in myself, but because of His relationship with me, I am being made strong. Spurgeon is excellent in his exposition and admonition to those who believe: His words give me hope in perilous hours and the joy of the Lord will continue to strengthen me as I grow and mature in Him:
"Grace does not leave the saint when the keepers of the house do tremble; the promise is still sure though the eyes can no longer read it; the bread of heaven is fed upon when the grinders fail; and the voice of the Spirit in the soul is still melodious when the daughters of music are brought low. Blessed be the Lord for this!"
Blessed be the Lord, indeed!
Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!
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