Earlier this month, I was asked to be the mystery reader in my nephew Lance's second grade classroom. My supposedly mysterious identity was not a mystery at all to my nephew and he knew who I was within fifteen seconds of my entering the room without anyone necessarily telling him anything ahead of time.
“It's my Auntie Ame. I could tell by the way she walks...” he told his teacher as he raised his head from his desktop and grinned in my direction.
A little thrill sneaked into my spirit as I realized anew in that moment how very perceptive children can be and how they pay attention to little details that might not be so obvious to other people around them.
Coming away from the boys' school a little while later, I found myself praying the boys would be able to tell more and more things about the way I walk as they and I grow up together.
For certain, I want them to know me and see me beyond the crutches even if the crutches remain with me for many long years yet. I want them to know me beyond my shuffling steps, my coordination difficulties, and my struggles with the stairs.
I want them to see me as someone who is not afraid to ask for help from God or from my neighbor. I want them to see me as someone who is not afraid to serve either God or my neighbor.
I pray to find them listening for the voice of God even as I must listen for the voice of God.
I pray to find them obeying the word of God even as I endeavor to obey the word of God.
I pray to see them grow in the grace and giftedness God has afforded to each one of them.
I pray they would take note of characteristics seen not only in my physical walking pattern, but also in my spiritual walking pattern.
None of them need emulate my physical walking pattern. None of them need perfectly emulate my spiritual walking pattern. I've still got a lot to learn and my life is far from perfect or perfected. Even as I write this, I am reminded the way I walk is a testimony to the One who faithfully walks with me.
I pray I will continue to walk in manner worthy of the God who has called me, so I may set a good and godly example for my sweet boys and for all who may yet come behind me.
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