"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” (Matthew 5:42)
Part of exercising my freedom in Christ correctly is learning not to be selfish with my time and resources. In living out the servant life, it is imperative that I do not think first of myself and my needs. I need to establish wise boundaries between what it takes to care for myself well and my own selfish wants and inclinations. To practice the servant life is to yield without becoming someone else’s doormat. What would my life plan really look like from day to day if I let Christ fill in the script rather than myself? What would change if I focused first on His agenda and not imposed my own? I want to, need to, strive to, give up on grudgingly.
Grudgingly isn’t freely.
Reluctantly isn’t willingly.
There’s little wonder or wildness to life if I do something just because I have to.
There’s little real joy found in sticking just with obligation or supposed to.
Where would I be if Christ had used reluctance or self-pity as an excuse to keep Him from the cross?
Where would my life be if Christ had not surrendered to His Father’s will above His own?
What if He had decided to forfeit His calling only a short distance from Calvary?
He is the One who went all the way to the cross and gave up His very life for me. What if I am only a short distance from displaying His life to another?
I don’t want to loathe or be lazy when in reality I am called to love and to lose for the sake of the lost and dying.
I was lost and dying once…
By His grace and because of His suffering, He views me differently now.
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