"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
This simple text has been a favorite of mine for over a decade and I have often referred to it in my prayers and encouragements.
It is a true blessing for me to believe God will keep, direct, and establish my friends and family members when I cannot be physically present with them. I have the privilege of praying for His presence with them even when we are far apart from each other. It gives me a strong sense of comfort to acknowledge He is in control and I am not.
In His omniscience, He knows what will happen when. Sometimes our plans for the day or the week will be thrown seemingly off-course by illness or unexpected occurrence. We find ourselves surprised or caught off-guard, but God is not. He's the Alpha and Omega. In the end, all things find their purpose in He and His glory.
He is with us to sustain and uphold us when we feel stressed and uneasy. I can turn to Him over and over again when I don't know what's up and what's coming down the pike. He is able to withstand my distress. He is more than just my fair-weather friend and buddy. In His humanity, the Savior once was a man of sorrows, rejected of men, and familiar with grief (Isaiah 53).
It's a great relief to count Him trustworthy.
He knows about the emergency room visit.
He knows about the premature birth situation.
He knows about the difficult move ahead.
He knows when two saints are called home at the same time.
He knows about the virus which appears without prior notice.
He's aware of depression, boredom, gloominess, and loss of hope.
He 's alert, not ignorant.
He's interested, not neglectful.
The Almighty's not in heaven wringing His hands and saying "Oh, my goodness" (Begg); instead, He invites people to confide in Him, lean upon His goodness, and depend upon on His loyal love.
He is faithful and we can cast our cares upon Him regardless of what our specific concerns might be during any given time period.