When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Roman 5:6-8).
Within the context of my daily life, I am prone to doubt, wonder, and wander. I find it so reassuring to ponder the fact that God loved me while I was yet unloving and unlovely. This text reminds me Christ, the Messiah, came to save and rescue me while I was not able to provide resources toward my own welfare.
Christ came for me though I was, and am in myself, incapable, incompetent, inept, and insignificant. He didn’t look for me to be dynamic, vigorous, sturdy, strong, or self-supporting apart from Him. He saw me for who I was: feeble, frail, vulnerable, defenseless, and sinful; He knew, apart from Him and His grace, I was completely lost and unsafe.
Christ came for me at just the right time. Though I was neither righteous nor good, at God’s appointed hour in history, Christ gave up His worthy life in exchange for my unworthy, worthless, weak, and sin-sick one. He didn’t come for the perfect and healthy, He came for the broken, imperfect, and stained.
Christ came for me in great love and great sacrifice. His love and sacrifice was considerable, abundant, immense, profound, and amazing. There was nothing thin, puny, or miniature about the way or extent to which Jesus loved. His immense love, given to me in great, abundant measure, motivates me by Spirit and example to love others around me in the middle of imperfection, brokenness, unrighteousness, and strife. I am a broken person living in a broken world, but I serve a great King who overcame the powers of sin, death and hell in order that I might overcome together with Him and others who long for His glorious appearing.
Maranatha, our Lord came and comes again…
Soon and very soon…
He’s where the joy comes from…
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