In recent weeks, I am learning to better appreciate a love who suffers long. This is love who exercises love toward me when I am not too lovely. This is love who loves me the same way at three in the morning and three in the afternoon. This is love who knows the words on my tongue before I speak them; this is love who knows I have no words left to speak. Love remains when I am frustrated with life, with others, and with myself. Love hears the words of confession, the sighs of unknowing, and the utterances turned prayers.
Love is there in the silence and perhaps for the first time in my life, I don't find silence uncomfortable. I don't feel the need to ramble or fill the space. The ache in my heart is becoming a burden shared and I'm okay with letting go even when letting go seems a repetitive process. There is no need for flowery sentiments or long explanations because I am practicing the honesty of being at ease with the One who know me better than I could ever hope to know myself. Our midnight meetings might appear jumbled, tangled, unstructured, and unkempt, but they are also joyful, hopeful, freeing, and intense.
At present, I kind of enjoy being at home with wrinkled in my physicality and in my thoughts. Wrinkled is not putting on a show; wrinkled is accepting what is: from day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. Wrinkled is humble enough to admit I've only just begun. Wrinkled is acknowledging my imperfections while gazing upon Him who is and always has been Perfect.
I probably won't ever show up to church in my pajamas, but there is freedom in knowing that Christ will meet and accept me where I am and use whatever moment of the day to direct me to where I need to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.His way is often surprising!
He still uses His word and His presence to bring about teaching, rebuking, correction, and training in righteousness.
He still desires to make me a woman equipped for every good work. He doesn't give up, and He doesn't let me down.
I am weak, but He is strong...
I am wrinkled (for now), but praise Him, He is still willing...
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