Wednesday, December 28, 2011


“So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.” (James 1:21)

As a person who is captivated by words and word-pictures, I find myself drawn to The Message paraphrase of this verse which likens God to a gardener who will landscape in me a salvation garden. In order to sow some things into my salvation-garden and have them put down firm roots, the Father has to pull other things out of my salvation-garden by the roots. It is not possible for righteousness and wickedness to dwell side by side in my life and have righteousness succeed. Something’s got to give and many things probably have to go. I probably have to take out the trash and fall to my knees. Perhaps it’s time to clean up my yard yet again.

What does it look like for me to accept the word of God with simple humility? To be frank, meekness is not a quality or virtue I hear discussed very much in my day to day life. When I talk to my friends, I typically don’t talk to them about how we are doing with the meekness factor.

Many people in modern society like the idea of being bold, determined, and independent.; people in modern society have a difficult time being submissive, accommodating, adaptable, and self-effacing. Thoughts of God as the gardener in my life bring to mind the phrase, “Surrender don’t come natural to me.” And indeed it doesn’t.

Humble acceptance of who God is and what His word teaches is a growth sequence in my life and the pattern of growth is not always easily measurable or predictable. Some seeds which are planted in me will bear fruit soon after planting has taken place; other seeds may not mature as quickly or may require more nurture before they come to life in any meaningful way.

I like the idea of being pliable, willing, and useful to the Master, but I’m not able to master any of these qualities in my own strength. I need make good use of the strength God provides and approach Him with a child-like faith which trusts Him to complete in me that which I cannot complete in myself.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I’m really glad I had a few minutes to just let go and laugh yesterday. Laughter is a good way to cast my daily burdens aside, even if I have to pick them up again later. This earthly life will never be without its burdens in some way, shape, or form; in the middle of our burden bearing, I vote we leave plenty of time for life, love, laughter, and the gifts we have which don’t need wrapping paper.

As long as I’m not laughing in a way which brings pain or causes hurt to someone else, I treasure moments when I am free enough to really laugh at some of the absurdities I notice around and within me. I appreciate the people in my life who have laughed along with me over some things which are truly funny; I appreciate the people in my life who have laughed with me over things which are not funny outside of a given event or moment in time. I’m grateful for both “had to be there” moments and timeless memories which will stir a chuckle at every retelling.

In all the hustle and bustle of our society, amidst all the serious and often scary events of our changing yet unchanging world, I wish you quiet moments in which you can pause, reflect, pray, and meditate. I also wish you some great moments of laughter in which you are free to celebrate, be light-hearted, and just let loose in the company of those who will love you regardless. Not every moment in life is necessarily full of profound meaning and reason; there is also space for the release which comes through finding humor and joy in the middle of the mundane, stressful, and ordinary.

There is a time for every purpose under heaven…

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


“Down in a lowly manger, the humble Christ was born;
Our God brought us salvation that blessed Christmas morn.”

Oh my friends, what a gift is mine! I have the privilege and blessing of thinking upon a humble Christ. As I think about Christ being born into humble circumstances, I am reminded of verses in Hebrews which teach of our High Priest:  “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”(Hebrews 4:15)

As I present Christ to others and reflect upon my witness, I am able to present Him as a person and Savior who is not out of touch with human realities. He knows about testing, weakness, frailty, and temptation. He knows everything but sin. He is able to identify with and understand humanity because He has lived within a human frame. Though He has not experienced everything I’ve experienced, He is not unfamiliar with what it is like to be me. He is the God who put on human flesh; He chose, out of His gracious mercy, to draw near.

As I present Christ to others and reflect upon my witness, I am able to present Him as the One who brings us salvation. As a result of His sinless human life before Father God, He qualified to be the atoning sacrifice and lift the curse which all of the rest us were born under and struggle against. He rescues us, and this is more than good news; this is great news!

I have great news of a Great King! He shows Himself great while all the while showing Himself humble. His is the kind of news and story I must be, could be, and should be sharing all year long until eternity dawns…May He forgive me my timidity and laziness in not sharing His story more boldly and with more frequency than I do. In the days ahead, may He grant me what I need to be both going and telling…Through His Spirit, may He grant me sufficient grace to be living Him out…


“Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.” (James 1:20).

This verse seems like such a common sense verse. It seems to be stating that which already should be obvious.  One of the difficulties with human anger is that it’s prone to make people let go of common sense. When I begin to think less than straight, the upright life and attitude which God desires for me to have has the opportunity to fly right out the window. I definitely do not show my prettiest, most attractive, face when I allow myself to get or stay angry.  

Thinking honestly about anger and righteousness prompts me to think about another verse of Scripture:  “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”(Philippians 4:8). What would my life look like, practically speaking, if I made it a personal goal to focus on the lovely instead of the unlovely?

 There are enough unlovely things in the world without my adding anything more to them. I know pursuing what is commendable and proper frequently seems more difficult than choosing that which is mean or evil; I need to be reminded daily that I do have choices.

In the heat of the moment, when I am stressed out, I do have a choice.
When somebody upsets me and I want to lash out, I do have a choice.
Before I let go and let all of my frustrations come tumbling out, I do have a choice.

This is where the slow part of slow to become angry finds its hands and feet, its true to life application.

There are positive things to be said of the person who truly knows what it is to practice restraint. There are positive things to be said of the person who knows what it looks like to hit the pause button rather than the fast forward or rewind.

I know I have a pause button, but I am not always successful at employing it when I should be. Here’s a good point for me to ponder and look toward applying before I hit the boiling point again next time: A little more restraint exercised wisely today may lead to fewer regrets expressed tomorrow.


“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” (James 1:19).

“The great talker is rarely a great listener, and never is the ear more firmly closed than when anger takes over.” (borrowed quote from

Many times in past months I have been challenged in the area of my listening. I have been challenged to go beyond myself and consider others. It has been sobering to consider just how willing I am to put other people’s agendas ahead of my own. Just this morning, I was challenged anew: How willing am I really to remain silent while another person fully states their feelings, arguments, struggles and problems? I admit I frequently jump the gun in conversations either with my tongue or with my thoughts. I want to interject, resolve, defend or cut off, but those actions quite possibly aren’t the most prudent.

I cannot fully attend to a person in the moment if my thoughts are already advancing to what my response should be. There are definitely times when I need the reminder to cool my jets and keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to be half-hearted, lazy, or overly judgmental in my attentiveness. I need patience so that things might be seen through to their rightful conclusions. I need to realize that not everybody needs to think like me in order to be right. If I find myself jumping to conclusions or making false assumptions, I may end up dead wrong. Few people will be willing to follow a leader who makes illogical choices based upon first impressions or educated guesses. I need to follow-through and make sure I have my facts straight if I am to serve people well.

I need to work on and toward affording people the dignity of being undistracted when it comes to building or nurturing my relationships with them. There’s still so much of myself that impedes upon my relationships with others. There’s still a great deal of myself I bring into my relationship with Him.

Things are not all good in terms of my attention span. Things still need work in terms of my obedience too.

Cultivation of the wise and listening life takes time and I need it. It is to my advantage if one step forward and two steps back is still progress.


“He chose to give birth to us by giving us His true word. And we, out of all creation, became His prized possession.” (James 1:18)

Here is the good news which will help keep me faithful to Christ in spite of my trials, temptations, doubts, and inherent sinfulness.

The Father has made me His prized possession in Jesus Christ and He wills that I would live in recognition of the new life and acclaimed status which His grace affords me.

The life and status I have gained in Christ has not been issued to me so that I might become prideful. The heart of the Christian life is not pride; the heart of the Christian life is grace, gratitude, and glory. I was guilty; God was gracious. I am grateful; He is glorified.


No more words are needed…just a life which humbly, willingly, faithfully, and authentically, backs them up….

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
What more can he say than to you He hath said,
to you that for refuge to Jesus have fled?

When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
my grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
the flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

I have been given a firm foundation indeed! My prayer now is that I will live up to what I have already attained and continue to build my relationship with Jesus week by week, day by day, and even moment by moment.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yesterday, after an absence of several weeks, I went to see my friend Paul at David’s House. While I was visiting him, Paul and I spent several minutes looking at his picture wall together. Paul pointed out a new picture which had recently been added to the wall for him. He said in a sincere voice, “I just love looking at these pictures because they remind me of all the people who love me.” In that moment, I found myself wishing I could give a picture wall, like Paul’s, to everyone I knew.  Paul’s picture wall is” pretty darn awesome” because it reminds him of the community he has around him even on the days when he cannot get out to experience and interact much with his community.

Seeing Paul’s picture wall is a good reminder of both the community we have and the community we should be to each other.

Those of us who are able to be out and around the community nearly every day, should practice extending a sense of community by being the tangible hands, feet, voices, and servants of Jesus.

Those of us who are unable to be out and around the community nearly every day, can still experience the warmth, love, and encouragement of community by way of card, visit, phone call, and picture.

True relationship both comes from and happens in community.

It is important for us to know and think about the ones we love and appreciate.

On days when we feel sad, lonely, depressed, or out of sorts, it is important for us to think on those who love and appreciate us.

Not all may have a picture wall, but almost all are needy of encouragement in some way, shape, or form.

If you have the encouragement and love Christ gives, practice community and don’t keep His love and encouragement to yourself.

If He has shared with you His call to be His hands, feet, and voice, don’t wait to open yourself up
to Him, His will, His life, and His service.

We are designed to bless and be blessed…together in community…together in the bond He so graciously provides…

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:16-17)

Every good thing bestowed and every gift given has its source in God. This does not include temptation to sin. There is no variation in God’s dealings with His creatures. God does everything for His own glory and His creatures’ good (

One of my sister-in-law’s does wall hangings and wall art for people’s homes. I should have her write out that winning phrase for me on a wall hanging so that I can place it where I will see it everyday: God does everything for His own glory and for His creatures’ good.

This is one of those phrase reminders I need on the days when I feel I am merely plodding along and the finish line seems yet far off. God doesn’t change, but my human experience of Him does. I need to be reminded He sends good and perfect gifts. I need to receive frequent warnings from the Word of God so that I am not easily led astray or turned away from what I know to be good, true, and righteous.

I know many truths about God in my head.

As times passes, I hope the many truths in my head become the many truths which are lived out in my heart and life.

I have long yearned to be a person of integrity.

If I am going to be a person that models my life after the Way, the Truth, and the Life, I need His truth daily in my head and daily in my heart.

I also need His truth daily in front of my nose.

Thank You, Sovereign Lord, for Your precious, Holy Word. I pray today for those who do not yet have access to Your truth in their heart language. Help them not to be led astray by their own deceptions and vain human philosophies. Enable me to trust You as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. May I not take all the good things You bless me with for granted.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


“Sinful desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” (James 1:15)

“The ultimate outcome of capitulating to temptation is death, but the ultimate outcome of resisting it is the fullness of life.” (

Oh, how I pray when I read these thoughts that the Lord would keep me strong in my resistance! I need to vigorously oppose that which is not life-giving in my walk and this calls for me to be vigilant and aware.  I must be more active and less passive in my stance against evil.  When was the last time I took an active stand for the One whom I believe?  When was the last time I really fought against some thing, action, or idea I don’t believe in?

All too often, it is easy for me to comply and not abstain; all too often, it is easy for me to go along rather than turn down. I probably worry more about upsetting those around me than I do about upsetting the Christ who died and rose for me.

I desire the fullness of life that is mentioned here and promised to me in John’s gospel. The heart of the matter is that I can not entertain sin and expect to receive life at the same time. I have to actively move away from one thing in order to rightfully, willingly, fully, embrace the other. It isn’t easy, it requires ongoing discipline and I won’t accomplish it at all without Christ as my Advocate and Counselor.

As I journey along, I desire to host life and slay death.
As I journey along, I desire to welcome life and turn away death.
I desire to nourish life and reject that which could prove literally deadly to my physical, emotional, and spiritual self.

I need to be watchful. I need to be warned and forewarned. I invite others into my journey because I am mindful that I need the encouragement of others in the act of staying the course. I also invite others into my journey because I am aware that they may recognize the struggle for real life in the same way that I do and presently am.

I turn daily to my Deliverer; I invite your prayers that my heart and life would be made right in the sight of Him who is the life. Let it not be said of me that He came unto His own, and His own knew Him not (John 1:11).

Friday, October 28, 2011


“Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” (James 1:13-14)

Ouch!  This is hard to comprehend and even harder to practice. I cannot “pass the buck” when it comes to my sin because God by nature is holy and there is nothing in His holiness that would cause Him to find sin appealing. God, as a holy and loving Father, does not use evil to try and trip me up even though He allows trials to be a part of my life.

God is not the promoter of that which is repugnant to His very nature. The original source of evil and temptation is our very heart. The combustible matter is within us, though the flame may be blown up by some outward causes (Matthew Henry).

As a believer in Christ, I must not allow myself to be lured away from the things of God by that which is evil, sensual, or worldly. If I am to persist and remain long-term in the path which God has for me, I must keep myself from being beguiled by the things of this world which prove deceptive and seek to entrap.

I cannot overcome temptation on my own; I have a nature within me passed down from my first parents which entices me and causes me to covet things that will lead to my sin and ultimate disgrace.  

Thankfully, I have a Savior who is able to take away my disgrace through His saving grace. It is this Savior who reminds me to be dependent upon the Father in all things. He reminds me to seek after the Father’s will and the Father’s kingdom. He intends for me to call upon the One who can keep me seeking Him rather than seeking sin. My Savior knows that I am weak and that my temptations must be prayed against.  My Savior knows that I must be kept from circumstances that cause me to fall rather than stand, and walk, and run…triumphantly, victoriously, free from entanglement, and not overly weighed down.

May I lean on and toward and with Him as He leads me and guides me all along the way…

Friday, October 21, 2011


Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12)

I want to have staying power in my life and ministry to the glory and praise of God. I want to persist and remain faithful even when shadows fall, doubts crowd in, and things just get difficult. I want to be victorious. I want to win. I want to contend, fight, succeed, and overcome, not be overcome. I want to be a reaper for His cause and His kingdom.

Like the Jews of old, I desire that God’s kingdom would reign, that His redemption would flourish, and that His Messiah would provide deliverance (Matthew Henry on the Lord’s Prayer).  I desire to be obedient and do what God would have me to do rather than what I would have me to do.  I will fall short of winning and perseverance if I focus too much or too long on myself and my own whims and wishes rather than on the Father’s will.

God would not have me be mean, petty, small, or greedy when under His power and control, I can be both openhanded and bighearted.  The One who has been so generous with me wants me to be generous with others. The One who has lavished His love upon me through the giving of His Son, calls me to be lavish in my love toward others.

In order to triumph in Christ I must withstand temptations from without (pressures to sin and fail) and temptations from within (my own tendencies toward sin and failure).

 I am still seeking to arrive; in fact, I envision several construction zones yet ahead of me…I am thankful for the example and fidelity of those who have sojourned ahead of me…I am grateful not to walk the path alone.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


“Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead. Return to the Lord your God, for He is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish.” (Joel 2:13)
In walking with the Lord from week to week, I am reminded just how gracious and compassionate He is! How wonderful for me that He is filled with unfailing love!  His love is abundant, extravagant, and steadfast. How glad I am to read of His patience and slowness with me, because I am slow with Him.  I’m slow in turning from my selfishness and often slow in crying out. I’m slow to change my clothes and even more slow to change my life.

God desires more from me than just external, momentary change. He wants more from His people and calls them to wake up! In Scripture and in modern life, He is willing to go to great lengths to get people’s attention. If He has to, He will send calamity and catastrophe; He will allow for punishment and plague even though that is not His first choice or primary modus operandi.

He wants to relent from His purpose of punishment and have pity on those He loves. He does not want for His people to be an object of scorn among the nations of the earth. He yearns for a true returning to Him which encompasses more than just outward shows of action...

In Jesus, God made that which was an object of punishment an article of grace. Jesus gave up His life for me and now He calls me daily, truly, sincerely, and completely to live and give up my life for Him. Repentance is something more than just mourning clothes and temporary tears; it’s a vital part of a verifiable, on-going, lasting transformation made possible by a love which is merciful and suffers long.

Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


“I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.” (Isaiah 45:19)

I praise the Lord today for His otherness. I thank Him for all the things which set Him apart from everything else I might be tempted to worship or run after.

I thank Him today for His bold promises. I thank Him for the beauty of creation and the continued message of the cross. How glad I am that He doesn’t just speak in secret and mumble under His breath. His is a voice of proclamation, not a voice of obscurities and hidden or unknown intent.

He wants to be found by His people. What a comfort and encouragement is this! He encourages people to seek Him while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near. He doesn’t ask people to seek Him in vain. He doesn’t desire for them to end with nothing in places of nothingness. He is a God who is trustworthy; He is the One who both speaks and embodies Truth.

He is a God of order who is Sovereign over the created order.
He is the One who brought light out of darkness
He doesn’t desire chaos and formlessness; He desires to fashion, mold, and shape.
He is a God of righteousness and justice.
His word is truth and His declarations are upright.

I desire that I would follow this God of boldness boldly and listen as He openly declares His purposes and salvation.

As He communicates with His people, I endeavor to listen, obey, and be led by Him…
Praise Him as the Almighty Keeper of bold and enduring promises!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Within my process of being real, I confess envy frequently robs me of contentment. I yearn for what I think would be the ideal life and frequently lose my focus on the life I have. If I am going to pursue life as someone who is truly unencumbered, I have to be willing to tackle my envy every time it rears its ugly head.  I can’t allow envy to take over my reality in such a way that I become sullen and embittered. I shouldn’t be drawn to what isn’t when I could be living out what is:

What is the purpose for which God gave me life again this day? He is my Creator.
What is the purpose for which Christ died for me on Calvary’s tree? He is my Redeemer.
What is the purpose behind the Holy Spirit’s empowering me to face the next challenge that lies ahead? He is my Sustainer.

To envy the model her gorgeous figure and alluring eyes will not get me very far at all.

To envy my friend her family rather than appreciating my own is most likely a waste of time.

To envy someone else’s gifts and talents rather than employing my own is a waste of God-given energy which could be put to better use.

Maybe for me, not envying and learning to be content will require more conscious effort than it does for someone else. I need to be honest with God about this: I often envy rather than being appropriately engaged. I need I AM to give me continual reminders of what is so that I can keep from being distracted by what is not and what does not.

I trust He can instruct me and satisfy me as I come before Him to know Him more and more…I desire my heart would be kept teachable…I desire a heart wholly devoted to Him. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him.” (The Message)

Using God and His ways as my measuring stick is a great way for me to pursue and practice humility. I need to return to Him and enter in over and over again. With so many things, I wrestle long and hard before letting go.

In grace, God not only reminds me of who I am with His help; He shows me how much room I have yet to grow. How wise and pertinent it is for me to remember that growth seldom happens all at once! Human physical development is a process, Human spiritual and emotional development is a process too!

In the routine of life, some seasons will be exciting and fruitful while other seasons will be more predictable and mundane. Sometimes I will see God at work in marvelous and expansive ways; other times, I will have to trust He is at work in the midst of the unseen and possibly inconceivable. It is humbling for me to admit when I don’t understand, but perhaps that is exactly where God wants me. He wants me humble.

He wants me to praise Him anyway.
He invites me into relationship regardless
Though I am weak, He remains strong.
Ours is not a partnership of equals.

Our is bond made real by His sacrifice
Ours is a bond dependent upon His power to transform, redeem, and re-create.
Ours is a bond of Just as I Am, Without One Plea
Ours is a bond of “Hallelujah, What a Savior!”

The hope that sustains me in the process of being His is this:

“Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely, forever:
One day He's coming—O, glorious day!”

Thursday, September 8, 2011


“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; …”

As I live out my life in coming days, I want to gain an increasing awareness that God knows it all. He knows about my weaknesses and frailties; He knows about my abilities and disabilities. In His grace and wisdom, quite apart from my own, He allows me to keep them, but not keep them to myself. I don’t want to hide anymore; I’m not as into cover up as I once was. I’m giving up more dismissal and denial. I want to own my difficulties and struggles in such a way that I can sow them and make them useful. I need to take them with me rather than attempt to pretend that they don’t exist. I can’t expect others to be real with me if I am unwilling to be real with them.

Yeah…I’m the girl with the metal cuff crutches.
I’m the girl who doesn’t do barstools, escalators, and “wheel-y” chairs.
I’m the girl with drool on my chin during random times of the day.
My pants may be too long and my shirt may be too short.
I may require extra time to do things and do them well.
There are some things I just can’t do.
My balance is pitiable and my key doesn’t always go in the lock on the first try.

I live with Cerebral Palsy because I have to, not because I want to.
If you need patience with me, take heart, I also need patience with myself.

Within the plan of God, I aspire to be the girl who loves well.
Within the plan of God, I aspire to be the girl who learns well.
Within the plan of God, I aspire to be the girl who listens for His voice.
Within the plan of God, I aspire to be the girl who laughs often. but at appropriate moments.

In His great love and compassion toward me, God is teaching me what it means to be wonderful…I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Join me in my continuing journey as I discover what it means for me to run with endurance and find myself joyfully unencumbered…